Mr. Donlan specializes in water and natural resources law, including all aspects of surface water and groundwater rights and management; state and federal Endangered Species Acts and fisheries laws; the California Environmental Quality Act; water quality and wetlands regulation; and other areas of state and federal regulation involving use and management of water resources. Experience also includes public agency governance and administration, infrastructure and regulatory finance, desalination and recycled water use, and water supply for power and energy development. Represents a broad range of public agencies, counties, municipalities, utilities, public and private institutions, and individual water users before federal and California courts, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other administrative agencies. Advocates before legislative and administrative bodies on behalf of water users and water suppliers concerning all aspects of water rights and water management policy.

Awards & Recognition
- Northern California Super Lawyers
- Best Lawyers
- Sacramento Area Top Lawyers
- State Bar of California, admitted 1996
- American Bar Association, Water Law Committee
- Association of California Water Agencies, Legal Affairs, Federal Affairs and Groundwater Committees, and Water Transfer and Water Rights Sub-Committees
- Groundwater Resources Association
- Sacramento County Bar Association
- United States District Courts
- J.D. McGeorge School of Law, 1996
- B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1991
- Reporter: California for the American Bar Association Natural Resources Section Annual Publication, “Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law—Year-In-Review.”
- Speaker: Association of California Water Agencies Legal and Semi-Annual Conferences, California Farm Bureau, Groundwater Resources Association, Water Education Foundation, Sacramento Area Water Forum, California Club Association, California Water Law Symposium, California State Water Resources Control Board symposia, and other privately sponsored water law conferences and seminars.
Community Involvement
- Sacramento Valley Conservancy, Board of Directors (2008-present), past President
- Fall River Conservancy, Board of Directors (2012-present)
- California State Club Association, Board of Directors (2011-2022)
- Sutter Club, Board of Directors (2013-2015)
- Anne J. Schneider Fund and Lecture, Steering Committee (2011-present)